Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB)
This document describes the specifications and details related to the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) for ENI-CB Programmes according to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 897 of 18 August 2014.
Each year from 2020 (for Accounting Year 01/07/2018 - 30/06/2019) until 2024 (for Accounting Year 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2023) an Annual Report is to be submitted by the Managing Authority by the 15th of February.
A Final Report is to be submitted by the 15th of February 2025 and shall contain the information requested for the last accounting year (01/07/2023 - 30/09/2024) and for the entire duration of the Programme. This deadline may be extended to the 1st of March 2025 by the Commission, upon communication by the Managing Authority concerned, according to Article 77 of the ENI CBC Implementing Regulation. However, upon request by the Managing Authority, the Commission services will grant similar flexibility as proposed for cohesion programmes to submit the Final Report by 15 February 2026.
More details about the regulation regarding the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) can be found in the About SFC2014 section of this portal.
Roles involved in the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB are:
MS Managing Authority
| Record the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB Upload the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB Consult the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB Delete the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB Validate the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB Send the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB Return the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB Create New Version of an Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB |
MS Audit Authority | Consult the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB |
The ENI-CB Programme is Adopted by the Commission and when creating the Annual/Final Report the specific Accounting year doesn’t yet exist.
This section shows the lifecycle to create and manage the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB.
Click here to see the Annual/Final Report ENI-CB state diagram in high resolution.
Create the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB)
REMARK | To create the Annual/Final Report ENI-CB you must have MS Managing Authority with Update access. An ENI-CB Cooperation programme must have been Adopted by the Commission in order for you to create the Annual/Final Report ENI-CB. When creating, the Annual/Final Report for a specific Accounting Year does not yet exist. When editing a version of an Annual/Final Report, its status is Open, Ready to send or Sent at the level of the Member State and currently resides on the user's Node. |
To access into the Annual/Final Report ENI-CB section, first click on the Monitoring menu (1) and then on the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) link (2).
Click on the Create new annual report link to create a new Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB).
You are redirected to the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) creation wizard:
Enter or Select the following information:
(1) Select a CCI.
The CCI list contains all adopted ENI-CB Programmes which contain Funds for which the User is registered. The list returns the CCI and the Programme Title.
(2) Select an Accounting year.
The Accounting year list contains all Accounting Years with an end date smaller than the current date, starting from 2018 (=Accounting Year 01/07/2018 - 30/06/2019) and ending with 2022 (=Accounting Year 01/07/2022 – 30/06/2023) for Annual Reports, and with 2023 (=Accounting Year 01/07/2023 – 30/09/2024) for Final Reports, which do not yet exist.
(3) Select the Report approval date by the monitoring committee.
When work version is 0 the Report approval date by the monitoring committee should not be empty.
(4) Click on the Finish button to confirm the creation.
The status of the Annual/Final Report is Open.
REMARK | The Annual/Final Report is linked to the last adopted version of the Cooperation programme, except when a request already exists from the EC to link the Annual/Final Report to another Programme version. The records for the Project Payments table and the Indicator Table will automatically be created from the equivalent tables in the linked Cooperation Programme Version. |
Record/Edit the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB)
Find all the information to complete each screen of the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB. Below are the links to the main sections:
Version Information
The Version Information contains information on the identification and status of the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) version; like the CCI, the Title, the Version Number, the Status, the Current Node etc.. It also shows the results of the last validation done on this Annual/Final Report version.
In the Last validation results list, Warning Messages that already existed in the previous minor version will be shown in grey and ordered at the end of the list.
Only the Report approval date by the monitoring committee can be updated and is mandatory.
Clicking on the Edit button
will enable you the modification of the Report approval date by the monitoring committee.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the modifications:
(1) Enter the new Report approval date by the joint monitoring committee.
(2) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Officials in Charge
Note | Officials in Charge can be updated at any time, independent from the status of the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB). The email is directly accessible via the email link. |
Click on the Add button
to add a new official in charge.
Select an official and click in the Edit button
to modify the information of this official.
Select an official and click on the Remove button
to delete the official in charge selected.
Click on the Add button
to add a new official in charge.
The Edit Details popup window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Name.
(2) Enter the Email.
(3) Click on Update to save the information.
Note | Commission Officials (email domain "") can only be created/updated/deleted by Commission Users. |
This section shows all the actions that happened in the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) since it was created, for example:
The following documents will be foreseen:
Description | Non-Integral | Integral | System | Required | Internal Code |
Snapshot of data before send |
| X | X | X | SNP.IRSNT |
Acknowledgment of Receipt |
| X | X | ACK.IRSNT |
Technical report |
| X |
| X | IR.TR |
Audit Strategy |
| X |
| X | IR.AS |
Work Programme - Financial Plan and Planned use of Technical Assistance |
| X |
| X | IR.WPFP |
Annual Monitoring and evaluation plan |
| X |
| X | IR.AMEP |
Annual Information and communication plan |
| X |
| X | IR.AICP |
Financial Report |
| X |
| X | IR.FR |
Management Declaration |
| X |
| X | IR.MD |
Annual summary of the controls |
| X |
| X | IR.ASC |
Audit Opinion of the accounts |
| X |
| X | IR.AOA |
Annual Audit report |
| X |
| X | IR.AAR |
Estimate of costs incurred from 1st July to 31st December of the preceding year |
| X |
| X | IR.EOC |
List of projects closed during the accounting year |
| X |
| IR.LOP |
REMARK | Integral documents can only be added, updated or deleted when the main object is editable. Integral documents are automatically sent - together with the encoded data – when the AR is submitted to the EC. Referential/Non-integral Documents can be sent at any time independently when the status of the IR is 'Accepted by EC'. The non-integral type demands a manual submission (they are NOT sent automatically within the Programme). A document is only visible to the Commission when the sent date is visible. |
Uploading & Sending Documents
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add a new document type with attachments.
Selecting a document row and click in the Edit button
will allow you to modify the document information.
Selecting a row of a previously uploaded document and click on the Remove button
to delete the document and associated attachments.
Click on the Add button
to add a new document.
The document detail pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Select a Document Type
(2) Enter a Title for your Document
(3) Enter a Document Date
(4) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment
You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button
You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button
(5) Enter a Title for your attachment.
(6) Select the Language of the document.
(7) Select the file to upload.
(8) Click on Update to save the information.
REMARK | Commission Registration N° is only enabled for Commission Users, while Local Reference is only enabled for Member State Users. |
The pop-up window closes and the documents are uploaded.
Deletion of an unsent document
Select a row (1) of a previously uploaded document and click on the Remove button
(2) to delete the document and associated attachments.
A confirmation window appears:
Click on Yes to confirm deletion. Click on No to return to the Annual/Final Report (FEAD) documents.
This section is used to provide any relevant information about the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB). It can be used as a type of 'chat' between the Member State and Commission.
(1) Enter an observation.
All users who have Read permission on the Annual/Final Report will be able to send an Observation and participate in the conversation.
(2) Click on Add to save the information.
All Observations are kept against the specific version of the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB).
Financial Part
REMARK | This section is restricted to one single table for the Annual/Final Report. The Financial Part of the Final Report will contain multiple Table of Contents elements: • Reconciliation with the JOP and co-financing • Information for clearing • Final Balance • Irregularities • Investigated or suspended |
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the values
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the eligible expenditures incurred, as certified by the Audit Authority (EU share)
(2) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the Technical assistance.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(3) Enter the eligible expenditures incurred, as certified by the Audit Authority (EU share)
(4) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Reconciliation with the JOP and co-financing
REMARK | At creation time, a Thematic Objective record will be automatically created for each Thematic Objective used in the linked Programme version and columns A, B and C will be populated with data from the Programme’s Financing Plan. In case there are more than 1 Priority per Thematic Objective in the Programme’s Financing Plan, the values for columns A, B and C will be summed per Thematic Objective. Columns A, B and C are not editable. The footnotes will only be displayed when in the Programme Financing Plan, the corresponding tick boxes were used in at least one of the records. Columns D, E, H, I and P are editable. Columns F, G, J, K and L are automatically calculated and not editable. F=E/D, G=D+E, J=I/H, K=H+I, L=D+H. |
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the values
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values for columns D, E, H, I and P
(2) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Information for clearing
REMARK | At creation time, a Thematic Objective record will be automatically created for each Thematic Objective used in the linked Programme version. |
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the values for Project - Payments
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the eligible expenditures incurred, as certified by the Audit Authority (EU share)
(2) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the values for Technical assistance
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(3) Enter the eligible expenditures incurred, as certified by the Audit Authority (EU share)
(4) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Final Balance
REMARK | “EU contribution requested for clearing during the final accounting year” is automatically set with the total amounts from the Clearing section and cannot be modified. “EU contribution cleared during the whole implementation period (in previous accounting years)”, “Unrecoverable amounts from non-public entities in partner countries (without amounts due to the implementation disruption)”, “Unrecoverable amounts due to the implementation disruption (Article 14(3) of the Disruption Regulation)”, “Payments from the European Commission” and “Bank account IBAN” need to be encoded and are mandatory. |
Click on the Edit button
to modify the values for Accounting year (01-Jul-2023 - 30-Sep-2024)
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values
(2) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the Bank Account information
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(3) Enter the Bank Account IBAN
(4) Click on the Update link to save the information.
REMARK | In this section you can edit a list of potential irregularities identified in ongoing OLAF investigations, OLAF reports, EC or ECA audits of Final Report. The Thematic Objective list contains all Thematic Objective from the linked Programme version. The Priority list contains all Priorities defined under the Thematic Objective in the linked Programme version. All fields are mandatory, except Priority which is not always defined in the Programme. |
Click on the Plus button
to enter a project, click on the Edit button
to edit a project, or click on the Minus button
to delete a project
The Edit Details window appears:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Identification of the project
Select the Thematic objective
Select the Priority (not mandatory since it is not always defined in the Programme)
Enter the Amount (EUR)
Enter the Date of decision
Enter the Status of the legal proceeding (maximum number of characters is 2000)
Enter the Justification of the suspensory effect (maximum number of characters is 2000)
Click on the Update link to save the information
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the Total amount for the entire duration of the programme
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(9) Enter the AMOUNT (EUR)
(10) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Investigated or suspended
REMARK | In this section you can edit a list of expenditure of projects affected by ongoing investigations, suspended by a legal proceeding or by an administrative appeal having suspensory effect of Final Report. The Thematic Objective list contains all Thematic Objective from the linked Programme version. The Priority list contains all Priorities defined under the Thematic Objective in the linked Programme version. All fields are mandatory, except Priority which is not always defined in the Programme. |
Click on the Plus button
to enter a project, click on the Edit button
to edit a project, or click on the Minus button
to delete a project
The Edit Details window appears:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Identification of the project
Select the Thematic objective
Select the Priority (not mandatory since it is not always defined in the Programme)
Enter the Amount (EUR)
Enter the Date of decision
Enter the Status of the legal proceeding (maximum number of characters is 2000)
Enter the Justification of the suspensory effect (maximum number of characters is 2000)
Click on the Update link to save the information
Click on the Edit button
to enter/modify the Total amount for the entire duration of the programme
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(9) Enter the AMOUNT (EUR)
(10) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Common Output Indicators
REMARK | At creation time, a Thematic Objective record will be automatically created for each Thematic Objective used in the linked Programme version. The “previous reports cumulative value” is calculated by the system but can be edited in order to correct errors done in the previous Annual/Final Reports. |
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to edit the information in the Common Output Indicators table.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Previous reports cumulative value.
(2) Enter the Current report value.
(3) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Validate the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB)
REMARK | The Annual/Final Report can be validated when it is in a status 'Open' and currently resides at your Node. It is a must to have the role of MS Managing Authority Update. |
Click on the Validate link to validate the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB).
REMARK | An Error will block you from sending the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB).The error(s) should be resolved and the Annual/Final Report must be revalidated. Note that a Warning does not block you from sending the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB). |
The system validates the following information:
Code | Validation Rule | Severity |
2 | The system validates the integrity of the input fields | Info |
2.1 | Validate that at least one Official in Charge of the Member State exists. | Warning |
2.2 | Validate that the CCI code matches the following regular expression (implicit in web):
| Error |
2.3 | Validate that the linked Programme version is the last adopted version at the time of initial creation of the Annual Report’s working version 0 (implicit in web) | Warning |
2.4 | Validate that all integral documents have at least one attachment with a length > 0 | Error |
2.5 | Validate when work version = 0, that the "Report approval date by the joint monitoring committee" is not null | Error |
2.6 | Validate in the Financial Part table that all Thematic Objectives of the linked Programme version are available (implicit in web) | Error |
2.7 | Validate in the Common Output Indicators table that all Indicators of the linked Programme version are available | Error |
2.8 | Validate that the following mandatory integral documents are defined: | Error |
2.8.1 | Technical report (IR.TR) must be defined | Error |
2.8.2 | Audit Strategy (IR.AS) must be defined | Error |
2.8.3 | Work Programme - Financial Plan and Planned use of Technical Assistance (IR.WPFP) must be defined | Error |
2.8.4 | Annual Monitoring and evaluation plan (IR.AMEP) must be defined | Error |
2.8.5 | Annual Information and communication plan (IR.AICP) must be defined | Error |
2.8.6 | Financial Report (IR.FR) must be defined | Error |
2.8.7 | Management Declaration (IR.MD) must be defined | Error |
2.8.8 | Annual summary of the controls (IR.ASC) must be defined | Error |
2.8.9 | Audit Opinion of the accounts (IR.AOA) must be defined | Error |
2.8.10 | Annual Audit report (IR.AAR) must be defined | Error |
2.8.11 | Estimate of costs incurred from 1st July to 31st December of the preceding year (IR.EOC) must be defined | Error |
2.9 | Validate for Final Reports in the Reconciliation with the JOB and co-financing table that all Thematic Objectives of the linked Programme version are available (implicit in web) | Error |
2.10 | Validate for Final Reports in the Information for clearing table that all Thematic Objectives of the linked Programme version are available (implicit in web) | Error |
2.11 | Validate for Final Reports that the following mandatory integral documents are defined (error): | Error |
2.11.1 | Technical part of final report (IR.TPFR) must be defined | Error |
2.11.2 | Financial part of final report (IR.FPFR) must be defined | Error |
2.11.3 | Management Declaration (IR.MD) must be defined | Error |
2.11.4 | Annual summary of the controls (IR.ASC) must be defined | Error |
2.11.5 | Audit Opinion of the accounts (IR.AOA) must be defined | Error |
2.11.6 | Annual Audit report (IR.AAR) must be defined | Error |
2.11.7 | List of projects closed during the accounting year (IR.LOP) must be defined | Error |
2.11.8 | Request for payment of the final balance (including any unrecoverable amount from public beneficiaries from partner countries) (IR.RFP) must be defined | Error |
2.11.9 | Bank Account Identification Form (mandatory (IR.BAIF) must be defined | Error |
2.12 | Validate for Final Reports in the Reconciliation with the JOB and co-financing table that the values included in column L are not > than 10% of the values in column A | Error |
2.13 | Validate for Final Reports in the Reconciliation with the JOB and co-financing table that the total amount of column L is not higher than the total amount of column A | Warning |
2.14 | Validate for Final Reports in the Reconciliation with the JOB and co-financing table that the percentage of the total in column F is at least 10% | Warning |
2.15 | Validate for Final Reports in the Final balance table that the Sub-total is <= total of column A in the Reconciliation with the JOB and co-financing table | Warning |
After all errors have been resolved the status of the Annual/Final Report becomes Ready To Send.
An example of a validation window:
Send the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB)
REMARK | The Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) can only be sent once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is 'Ready To Send' or 'Sent'. It is a must to have the privilege to send the Annual/Final Report, the user has the role of MS Managing Authority with Send access. The '4 eye principle' must be respected. Therefore, the user sending must be different from the user who last validated. The Sending of information by a Member State to the Commission should be electronically signed in accordance with Directive 1999/93/EC. Sending of the different objects is generating a snapshot document and after the sending an acknowledge document is generated by the European Commission. |
Click on the Send link to send the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) to the Commission or to an upper Node.
The system will ask you to confirm the send action:
Click on Yes to confirm or click on No to return to the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB).
The Sending of information by a Member State to the Commission should be electronically signed in accordance with Directive 1999/93/EC.
Sending of the different objects is generating a snapshot document and after the sending an acknowledge document is generated by the European Commission.
This acknowledge document is signed but the Member State was not signing the snapshot document. The EU Login now provides a functionality of signing without forcing the user to have a certificate. The action to sign will only be triggered when sending to the European Commission:
(1) Enter your SFC2014 Password
(2) Click on the 'Sign' button
On success, the Annual/Final Report version has been sent to the Commission or to an upper node and the status is set to Sent.
Delete the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB)
REMARK | An Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB) can be deleted only if its status is 'Open', 'Ready to send' or 'Returned for modification by MS' and has never been sent to the Commission before and has no sent documents attached. It is a must to have the role of MS Managing Authority with Update access. |
Click on the Delete link to remove the Annual/Final Report from the system.
The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:
Click on Yes to confirm or click on No to return to the Annual/Final Report ENI-CB.
On success, the Annual/Final Report is removed physically from the system.
Create a New Version of the Annual/Final Report ENI-CB
REMARK | A New Version can only be created when the last Annual/Final Report version for the specific Accounting year is in status 'Returned for modification by EC'. It is a must to have the role of MS Managing Authority with Update access. |
Click on the Create New Version link to create a new version of the Annual/Final Report (ENI-CB).
The system will ask you to confirm the creation of a new version:
Click on Yes to confirm. Click on No to return to the Annual/Final Report ENI-CB.
On success, a new version of the Annual/Final Report for ENI-CB has been created as a copy of the previous version, with a version number identical to the previous and a working version incremented by one. Its status was set to 'Open'.