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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by ibanesi on 5 October 2017

Accounts (ISF)

    (2.69 MB - PDF)

    Accounts (ISF)



    This document describes the specifications and details related to the Accounts procedure, also called the payment of the annual balance pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 514/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions on the Instrument for Financial support for police cooperation, prevention and combating crime and crisis management (ISF).


    The Financial Year N consists of 16/10/N-1 to 15/10/N. Accounts should be sent to the Commission by the Responsible Authority each year by the 15th February or extended to 1st March of year N+1.


    Legally the following Financial Years exist:


    Financial Year



    Submission deadline





















    Since no National Programme was adopted in 2014, the Accounts for 2014 do not have to be submitted.



    More detail regarding the regulation of the Accounts can be found in the 'About SFC2014' section of this portal.



    Roles involved in the Accounts (ISF) are:


    MS Responsible Authority


    Create the Projects and Accounts

    Record the Projects and Accounts

    Upload the Projects and Accounts

    Consult the Projects and Accounts

    Delete the Projects and Accounts

    Validate the Projects and Accounts

    Send the Projects and Accounts

    Return the Projects and Accounts

    Create New Version  the Projects and Accounts

    Signing the Annexes I, II and III

    MS Audit Authority

    Consult the Projects and Accounts

    Record the Projects and Accounts

    Validate the Projects and Accounts

    Signing the Annex IV









    The National Programme is adopted.


    When creating a new Accounts declaration for a specific financial year, it doesn't yet exist. 




    This section shows the lifecycle to create and manage the Accounts for ISF.

    If the Commission rejects a set of accounts, they are returned and a new version has to be created and go through the whole process. There are no modifying accounts once they have been submitted. The Commission cannot change a set of accounts – only respond.


    Click here to see the Accounts AMIF/ISF state diagram in high resolution.




    Create the Accounts (ISF)


    1.       To access the ACCOUNTS ISF first click on the Execution menu item and then on the Accounts (AMIF, ISF) link.



    2.       Click on the Create New Accounts link to create a new Accounts for ISF.



    You are redirected to the Accounts creation wizard:



    3.       Select the following information:

    (1) Select the CCI

    The CCI list contains all adopted Programmes managed at your Node and which cover a Fund for which you are registered. The list returns the CCI and the Programme Title.

    (2) Select the Financial year

    The Accounts are always referring to an Accounting Period. The Accounting Period list (=Financial Year) will therefore contain all required Accounting Periods for which no Accounts version exists and with a Financial Year =< current date year + 1 and with current date >= 16/10/Financial Year - 1. 2014 is always excluded.

    (3) Click on the Finish button to confirm the creation action

    The status of the Account is Open.



    Since the Accounts can be created and populated from the start of the Financial Year and are only send after the end of the Financial Year, different National Programme versions could get adopted in that time. We initially link the Accounts to the last adopted National Programme version, but we will allow to modify the link when new Programme versions get adopted.

    The following Projects declared in previous Accounting Years will be automatically foreseen in Section A and cannot be deleted:

    ·         those without any Final Payment, since they will still have to declare a Final Payment.

    ·         for ISF Programmes a declaration record for ISF-P and one for ISF-B is automatically created.

    When modifying one of the items of Annexes I, II or III, or when linking to another Programme version, the signature of the signers and the signing dates for Annexes I, II, III and IV will be removed and a new sign action by the Responsible Authority for Annexes I, II and III and one by the Audit Authority for Annex IV will have to be performed before sending to the Commission is allowed.

    When modifying one of the items of Annex IV, the signature of the signer and the signing date for Annex IV will be removed and a new sign action by the Audit Authority will have to be performed before sending to the Commission is allowed.


    Record/Edit the Accounts (ISF)


    Find all the information to complete each screen of the Accounts for ISF. Below are the links to the main sections:





    Version Information


    The Version Information contains information on the identification and status of the Accounts ISF version; like the CCI, Title, Type, Fund, Version Number, Status, Clearing Decision and Current Node.

    The linked Programme version can be modified once the Account has been created:


    1.       Click on the Edit button10-12-2013 10-54-13 to modify the linked Programme version:



    The Edit Details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Programme version

    The Programme version list contains all adopted programme versions of this Programme. When changing the linked Programme version, no existing detail records based on the previous linked Programme version will be deleted. The validation rules will indicate when there is an inconsistency between the detail records and the linked Programme version.

    (2) Click on Update to save the information.


    Officials in Charge



    Officials in Charge can be updated at any time, independent from the status of the Accounts for ISF.

    You can add the same officials as in the National Programme but it is necessary a new recoded for the accounts.

    The email is directly accessible via the email link.


    ·         Click on the Add button 10-12-2013 11-12-11  to add a new official in charge.

    ·         Select an official and click in the Edit button10-12-2013 10-54-13 to modify the information of this official.

    ·         Select an official and click on the Remove button 10-12-2013 11-12-37 to delete the official in charge selected.



    1.       Click on the Add button 10-12-2013 11-12-11  to add a new official in charge.



    The Edit Details popup window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Name.

    (2) Enter the Email.

    (3) Click on Update to save the information.



    Commission Officials (email domain "") can only be created/updated/deleted by Commission Users.




    This section shows all the actions that happened in the Accounts for ISF since it was created, for example:





    The following document types will be foreseen:







    Other Member State Document





    Snapshot of data before send





    Acknowledgment of Receipt





    Remedial action plan and timetable





    MS Letter to request an extension of the deadline for the accounts*






    * This document type is restricted to the following status: ‘Open’, ‘Ready to Send’, ‘Returned for Modification by MS’.

    Uploading & Sending documents


    Multiple documents can be uploaded in the Accounts for ISF.

    ·         Clicking on the Add button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open a pop-up window allowing you to add a new document type with attachments.

    ·         Selecting a document row and click on the Edit button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to modify the document information. If a document of type 'Other Member State Document' must be sent, you can select the edit button in order to send the document.

    ·         Selecting a row of a previously uploaded document and click on the Remove button 10-12-2013 11-12-37 to delete the document and associated attachments.



    1.       Click on the Add button 10-12-2013 11-12-11  to add a new document.



    The document detail pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Select a Document Type

    (2) Enter a Title for your Document

    (3) Enter a Document Date

    (4) Click on the Add button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 to add a new attachment

    ·         You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button 10-12-2013 11-12-11

    ·         You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button  10-12-2013 11-12-37

    (5) Enter a Title for your attachment.

    (6) Select the Language of the document.

    (7) Select the file to upload.

    (8) Click on Update to save the information or Update & Send to send the document to the Commission.



    Commission Registration N° is only enabled for Commission Users, while Local Reference is only enabled for Member State Users.


    The pop-up window closes and the documents are uploaded.



    The linked Commission Decision documents are now shown in the documents list:


    Sending an unsent non-integral document


    1.       Once the document and attachment(s) have been uploaded select the document row in the list (1) and click on the Edit button (2):



    2.       Click on Update & Send to send the document to the Commission.




    The Update & Send link will only be shown for documents which are not integral part of the Object and after at least one attachment was added.

    If more than one file are uploaded from the same document table, when clicking the Update & Send link, will send all the files and not only the one(s) for which the check-box has been ticked.



    Non-integral documents (ie. 'Other Member State Document') can be sent at any time independently of the status of the Accounts for ISF.

    The 'Other Member State Document' type demands a manual submission (they are NOT sent automatically within the Accounts). The other document types, integral documents, are automatically sent - together with the encoded data – when the Accounts is submitted to the EC.

    You can find in our Portal the types of documents that can be uploaded and sent by the Member State.

    A document is only visible to the Commission when the Sent Date is visible.


    Deletion of an unsent document


    1.       Select a row (1) of a previously uploaded document and click on the REMOVE button 10-12-2013 11-12-37 (2) to delete the document and associated attachments.



    A confirmation window appears:



    2.       Click on Yes to confirm deletion. Click on No to return to the Account for ISF documents.


    Hiding a sent document



    Sent Documents can never be deleted, but the sender can decide to hide the content for the receivers in case of an erroneous and/or accidental send.


    1.       Select a row (1) of a previously sent document and click on the Edit button 10-12-2013 10-54-13 (2) to hide the document and associated attachments.



    2.       Select the Hide Content (1) option and click on Update (2) to hide the document.





    This section is used to provide any relevant information to the Accounts for ISF. It can be used as a type of 'chat' between the Member State and Commission.



    1.       Enter the following:

    (1) Enter an observation.

    All users who have Read and Observation permission on the Accounts for ISF will be able to send an Observation and participate in the conversation.

    (2) Click on Add to save the information.

    All Observations are kept against the specific version of the Accounts ISF.


    I. Projects and Accounting data


    A. Projects


     A1. National objective and specific action projects


    You can create new Projects clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 (1) OR use Projects created in previous Accounts other than those automatically foreseen, clicking on the Import button (2)





    The list of Projects created in previous Accounts contains all Projects of type 'PR' created in previous Accounts:

    ·         with a Final Payment

    ·         without any Final Payment and not yet existing in this Accounts version (This can happen  when after the creation of this Accounts version, a new Project without Final Payment is added in the previous Accounts version or the Final Payment is removed from a Project in the previous Accounts version).


    ·         Import button


    1.       If you want to Import Projects, after clicking on the Import button  the import existing project pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Project Reference.

    (2) Click on the Yes link to save the information.


    ·         ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11


    1.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to create new Projects or use Projects created in previous Accounts, other than those automatically foreseen.



    The Edit Details pop-up appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select a National Objective

    (2) Enter the Project Year

    (3) Enter the Project Sequence Number

    (4) Select the National Objective

    The list of National Objectives is limited to the ones covered in the linked Programme version (Operating Support (SO3.ISF), Technical Assistance (SO5.AMIF, SO4.ISF and SO7.ISF) and Special Transit Scheme (SO8.ISF) excluded).

    (5) Enter the Project Title

    (6) Click on the Update link to confirm and save the information





    3.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select a Specific Action

    (2) Enter the Project Year

    (3) Enter the Project Sequence Number

    (4) Select the Specific Action

    The list of Specific Actions is limited to the ones covered in the linked Programme version.

    (5) Enter the Project Title

    (6) Click on the Update link to confirm and save the information



    When changing the National Objective or Specific Action of a PR project, also update it in all Accounts versions of a more recent Accounting Period where this Project is used (Can occur when Accounts of Year N are modified after the Accounts of Year N+1 are created).

    In general, Projects of all types (PR, RP, RO, ST, OV, OB, TS) can only be deleted when created for the current Financial Year.

    Projects created in previous Accounts declarations without Final Payment or with an active Pledging Period are automatically foreseen, cannot be deleted and cannot be updated except for Special Cases Projects where only the Pledges can be updated.

    Manually added Projects with Final Payment from previous Accounts declarations can always be deleted.


    4.       Clicking on the Edit button 10-12-2013 10-54-13 of the National objective or of the specific action will open a pop-up window allowing you to enter the information:



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    5.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Project Summary

    (2) Enter the Project duration (months)

    (3) Enter the Estimated total EU contribution

    (4) Enter the Beneficiary official name

    (5) Enter the Beneficiary short name

    (6) Select the Type of beneficiary

    (7) Enter the Reference to selection procedure

    (8) Select the Type of procedure

    (9) Enter the % of Funds co-financing

    (10) Enter the justification (non-mandatory).

    (11) Select Yes/No if this is a PNR

    (12) Select Yes/No if this is an information exchange

    (13) Select at least 1 and maximum 3 Keywords. For ISF-Police, at least 1 and maximum 2 Keywords can be selected.

    (14) Click on the Update link to save the information



    The following Yes/No question fields are to be foreseen depending on the Fund and Specific Objective and are mandatory:



    Only foresee when

    Is this a PNR project?

    ISF under SO5

    Is this an information exchange/interoperability project?

    ISF under SO5


    For AMIF and ISF Borders, at least 1 and maximum 3 Keywords can be selected. For ISF-Police, at least 1 and maximum 2 Keywords can be selected. The list of Keywords contains all Keywords valid for the Specific Object and Project type.


    A2. Operating Support Projects


    1.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to add the information for the Operating support projects.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Start year

    (2) Enter the Sequence

    (3) Select the National objective

    The list of National Objectives is limited to SO3.NO1 Operating support for VISA and to SO3.NO2 Operating support for borders when these are covered in the linked Programme version.

    (4) Enter the Project Title

    (5) Enter the Beneficiary official name

    (6) Enter the Beneficiary short name

    (7) Click on the Update link to save the information



    You can create new Projects or use Projects created in previous Accounts, other than those already automatically foreseen.

    The list of Projects created in previous Accounts contains all Projects of type 'OV' or 'OB' created in previous Accounts

    • with a Final Payment
    • without any Final Payment and not yet existing in this Accounts version (This can happen  when after the creation of this Accounts version, a new Project without Final Payment is added in the previous Accounts version or the Final Payment is removed from a Project in the previous Accounts version)

    You are allowed to update Beneficiary information.


    3.       Clicking on the Edit button 10-12-2013 10-54-13 will allow you to add the Operating Support Projects information.



    The Table becomes editable:



    4.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Number

    (2) Enter the Annual Union Contribution

    (3) Enter the Description

    (4) Click on the Update link to save the information


    A3. Special Transit Scheme Projects



    The 'A3 Special transit scheme' screen is only shown for Lithuanian (LT) ISF Programmes with the Special Transit Scheme Objective (SO8.ISF).

    The user can create new Projects or use Projects created in previous Accounts, other than those already automatically foreseen.

    So, the list of Projects created in previous Accounts contains all Projects of type 'TS'' created in previous Accounts.

    So, the list

    • with a Final Payment
    • without any Final Payment and not yet existing in this Accounts version (This can happen  when after the creation of this Accounts version, a new Project without Final Payment is added in the previous Accounts version or the Final Payment is removed from a Project in the previous Accounts version)


    1.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to add the information for the special transit scheme projects.



    The Edit Details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Start year

    (2) Enter the Sequence

    (3) Select the Project Title

    (4) Enter the Beneficiary official name

    (5) Enter the Beneficiary short name

    (6) Enter the Summary

    (7) Click on the Update link to save the information



    The user can create new Projects or use Projects created in previous Accounts, other than those already automatically foreseen.

    The list of Projects created in previous Accounts contains all Projects of type 'TS' created in previous Accounts minus all Projects declared in previous Accounts without any Final Payment.

    You are allowed to update Beneficiary and Summary information.


    3.       Clicking on the Edit button 10-12-2013 10-54-13 will allow you to add the information for the special transit scheme projects.



    The Table becomes editable:



    4.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Number

    (2) Enter the Annual Union Contribution

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information


    B. Accounting Data


    1.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to edit the information about the accounting data.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the MS Accounting Reference

    (2) Enter the Union contribution Payment in last financial year N

    (3) Enter the Previously rejected by EC in year

    The year should be between 2014 and 2020

    (4) Select if this is an interim payment

    (5) Select if this is a final payment

    (6) Click on the Update link to save the information.



    On each change of the Project Payments, the Payment Requested Amount is re-calculated. Thus, also when the entire project with payments gets deleted.

    All Projects of Section A are automatically foreseen under Section B.


    3.       Clicking on the Edit button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the information for the Other accounting data.



    The Edit details pop-up window becomes editable:



    4.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Open Procedure

    (2) Enter the Restricted procedure

    (3) Enter the Negotiated procedure with publication

    (4) Enter the Negotiated procedure without publication

    (5) Enter the Low value contract

    (6) Enter the Excluded contract

    (7)  Select if it is the purchase of equipment included in this project?

    (8)  Select if it is the purchase of infrastructure included in this project?

    (9)  Select if it is a Union contribution recovery planned?

    (10) Enter the Amount of Union contribution to be recovered

    (11) Click on the Update link to save the information



     The following fields are only enabled for ISF-P:

    ·         Amount of the cumulative total Union contribution paid to this project for the maintenance of Union or national IT systems

    ·         This project is in relation to or in third-countries which implement the strategic Union priorities

    The fields for the number of contracts for each type of procedure will only appear when the project has a Final Payment.


    Technical Assistance


    1.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to enter the information for the Technical Assistance.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the MS Accounting Reference

    (2) Enter the TA Union contribution paid in last financial year N

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information



    The Technical Assistance for ISF can only be linked to National Objectives SO4.NO1 'Technical Assistance Borders' and SO7.NO1 'Technical Assistance Police'. The list of the Technical Assistance National Objectives is limited to SO4.NO1 and to SO7.NO1 when these are covered in the linked Programme version.

    On each change of the Technical Assistance Payments, the Payment Requested Amount is re-calculated.

    Negative Technical Assistance Payment amounts are now allowed.




    1.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to enter the information for the Inventory.



    The Edit Details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Project Reference

    The Projects list contains all Projects available in Section A

    (2) Enter the Total value of item (Eur)

    (3) Enter the address

    (4) Select the Date of purchase / completion

    (5) Enter the description

    (6) Select the Equipment type

    (7) Click on the Update link to save the information


    C. On-the-spot Controls


    1.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to enter the information for the on-the-spot controls.




    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Type of control

    (2) Select the Project reference

    The Project list contains all Projects available in Section A.

    (3) Select the Start date of on-the-spot control

    (4) Select the End date of on-the-spot control

    (5) Select the Date of final report

    (6) Enter the Total Union contribution controlled

    (7) Enter the Amount of error detected in Union contribution

    (8) Click on the Update link to save the information



    The comments box can be used for "e.g. types of irregularities and corrective measures".

    The Projects list contains Projects available in Section A. For Financial OTSC, the Project list contains PR, OV, OB and TS Projects. For Operational OTSC, the Project list contains PR, OV, OB, TS, RP, RO and ST Projects.


    3.       Clicking on the ADD button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to enter the information for the Technical Assistance Financial On-the-spot Controls.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    4.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Start date of on-the-spot control

    (2) Select the End date of on-the-spot control

    (3) Select the Date of final report

    (4) Enter the Total Union contribution controlled

    (5) Enter the Amount of error detected in Union contribution

    (6) Click on the Update link to save the information


    D. Data Summary


    Table ISF-B


    This Table is automatically generated.



    Table ISF-P


    This Table is automatically generated.



    Account Declaration ISF-B


    1.       Clicking on the Edit button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the information about the account declaration of payments made for your country for the national programme ISF-B.



    The table becomes editable:



    2.       Enter the following information:


    (1) Enter the financial correction

    (2) Enter the description

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information



    On each change of the Member State Financial Correction, the Payment Requested Amount is re-calculated.


    Account Declaration ISF-P


    1.       Clicking on the Edit button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the information about the account declaration of payments made for your country for the national programme ISF-P.



    The table becomes editable:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the financial correction

    (2) Enter the description

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information



    On each change of the Member State Financial Correction, the Payment Requested Amount is re-calculated.


    II. Management Declaration


    1.       Clicking on the Edit button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the information for the management declaration.



    The Table becomes editable:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Reservations

    (2) Enter the Name of official

    (3) Enter the Title, organisation

    (4) Click on the Update link to save the information


    III. Annual Summary


    A. Final Audit Report Summaries


    1.       Clicking on the Add button 10-12-2013 11-12-11 will open the Edit details screen allowing you to enter the information for the final audit report summaries.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Audit reference

    (2) Select the Type of audit

    (3) Enter the Year of audit

    (4) Select the Auditing body

    (5) Click on the Update link to save the information


    3.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the Audit references information.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    4.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the scope of Audit

    (2) Enter the Overall summary of very important and critical findings, together with recommendations to the responsible authority

    (3) Enter the Overall audit conclusion

    (4) Enter the estimated financial impact of the weaknesses

    (5) Select the corrective measures for the functioning of the system

    (6) Select the corrective measures for the functioning of the system

    (7) Enter if applicable amount of financial correction made or planned

    (8) Click on the Update link to save the information


    B. Summary of Administrative controls


    1.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the summary of the administrative controls carried out during the previous financial year.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Summary description

    Max. Length = 2500

    (2) Click on the Update link to save the information


    C. Summary of on-the-spot controls


    Summary, description and conclusions


    1.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the summary of the on-the-spot controls carried out during the previous financial year.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Summary description

    Max. Length = 2500

    (2) Click on the Update link to save the information


    Financial on-the-spot controls


    1.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the Union Contribution recovered.



    The Table becomes editable:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Union Contribution recovered

    (2) Enter the Union Contribution to be recovered

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information



    Contains all Projects/TA with FOTSCs carried out this financial year (Summary per Project from table in Section I.C)

    Total union contribution controlled (€) = sum (Total union contribution controlled) per project/TA of the table in Section I.C On-the-spot Controls.

    Total union contribution affected by error (%) = sum (Amount of error detected in union contribution) / sum (Total union contribution controlled) per project/TA of the table in Section I.C On-the-spot Controls.


    Operational on-the-spot controls


    This screen is a summary of operational on-the-spot controls carried out in the previous financial year.




    Total number of on-the-spot operational controls in financial year (a)" = Number of operational records in Section I.C. (Doesn't matter if it was performed on a project with or without payments).

    "Number of projects implemented during the financial year for which a payment is reported during the FY (b)" = Number of projects in Section I.A for which the total amount of payments reported in the annual accounts of the financial year in question in Section I.B. is > 0.

    "% of operational on-the-spot controls (c)"  = (a) / (b)


    Overall summary of financial on-the-spot controls


    This screen is a summary of financial on-the-spot controls carried out in the previous financial year.




    "Overall summary of FOTSCs on finalised projects in Year N" shows all PR, OV, OB, TS Projects finalised in this Financial Year (= Projects with a final payment) and not finalised in previous Financial Years (This is to avoid double counting when multiple Final Payments are declared on a Project in different Financial Years).

    -          For the PR, OV, OB and TS Projects:

    (a) = Sum(Total union contribution controlled) for the Project in Table in Section I.C over all Financial Years up to the current Financial Year

    (b) = Sum(Amount of error detected in Union contribution) for the Project in Table in Section I.C over all Financial Years up to the current Financial Year

    (c) = (b) / (a)

    (d) = Sum (all payments done) over all Financial Years up to the current Financial Year

    -          For Technical Assistance payments are considered final payments. Technical Assistance will only be shown when a FOTSC has been carried out in this financial year. This is when a record exits for it in I.C. The values for it will be:

    (a) = Sum (Total union contribution controlled) for Technical Assistance in Table in Section I.C for the current Financial Year.

    (b) = Sum (Amount of error detected in Union contribution) for Technical Assistance in Table in Section I.C for the current Financial Year.

    (c) = (b) / (a)

    (d) = Payments done in the current Financial Year

    (e) = Total (a) / Total (d) (Only to be shown on Total line)

    "Overall summary of outcome of FOTSCs on finalised projects" shows for each previous and current Accounts declaration the "Total" line of the "Overall summary of FOTSCs on finalised projects in Year N" Table.


    IV. Opinions of Audit Authority


    Audit Strategy


    1.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the description of the Audit Strategy.



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the description

    (2) Click on the Update link to save the information


    A. Opinion on validation of accounts


    1.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the description on the annual accounts.



    The Edit Details pop-up window appears:

    The system will ask you to select an Opinion on the annual accounts, you can choose between Adverse, Disclaimer of Opinion, Qualified and Unqualified.



    -          Adverse



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Opinion on the annual accounts: Adverse

    (2) Enter the description based on

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information


    -          Disclaimer of Opinion



    3.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Opinion on the annual accounts:  Disclaimer of Opinion

    (2) Enter the Exceptional cases

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information


    -          Qualified



    4.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Opinion on the annual accounts: Qualified

    (2) Enter the description for the Exceptions

    (3) Select the Impact

    (4) Enter the Impact corresponds to (Euros)

    (5) Click on the Update link to save the information


    -          Unqualified



    5.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the Opinion on the annual accounts: Unqualified

    (2) Click on the Update link to save the information


    B. Opinion on functioning of Management and Control Systems (MCS)


    1.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the information about the Functioning of MCS.



    The Edit Details pop-up window appears:

    The system will ask you to select an Opinion on the functioning of the management and control systems, you can choose between Adverse, Disclaimer of Opinion, Qualified and Unqualified.



    -          Adverse



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Examination Reference

    (2) Select the Opinion on the functioning of the management and control systems: Adverse

    (3) Enter the description based on

    (4) Select the Impact

    (5) Enter the Impact corresponds to (Euros)

    (6) Click on the Update link to save the information


    -          Disclaimer of Opinion



    3.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Examination Reference

    (2) Select the Opinion on the functioning of the management and control systems:  Disclaimer of Opinion

    (3) Enter the description based on

    (4) Click on the Update link to save the information


    -          Qualified



    4.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Examination Reference

    (2) Select the Opinion on the functioning of the management and control systems:  Qualified

    (3) Enter the description for the exceptions

    (4) Enter the description for the reasons for not complying

    (5) Select the Impact

    (6) Enter the Impact corresponds to (Euros)

    (7) Click on the Update link to save the information


    -          Unqualified



    5.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Examination Reference

    (2) Select the Opinion on the functioning of the management and control systems: Unqualified

    (3) Click on the Update link to save the information


    C. Validation of Management Declaration


    1.       Clicking on the EDIT button10-12-2013 10-54-13will allow you to enter the information about the validation of the management declaration.



    The Edit Details pop-up window appears:



    2.       Enter the following information:

    (1) Select the option 'does not put in doubt the assertions made in the management declaration', in this case you have to complete numbers (1), (3), (4) and (5) or the option 'puts in doubt the assertions made in the management declaration'  and then you have the possibility to enter the aspects (2)

    (3) Select the Date of validation

    (4) Enter the Authority representative

    (5) Enter the Authority

    "By validating and sending this is deemed signed."

    (6) Click on the Update link to save the information


    Sign Annex I, II and III of the Accounts (ISF)


    Only the user with the role of MS Responsible Authority Update can sign Annex I, II and III.



    At the highest Member State Node, the Accounts version is in status 'Open' or 'Sent'.

    At a lower Member State Node, the Accounts version is in status 'Open', 'Ready to send' or 'Sent'.

    The signature is required before the Accounts can be sent to the Commission.

    The Sign annex I, II and III link will only appear when the Accounts version is in the preconditioned state.


    1.       Click on the Sign Annexes I, II and III link to sign the Accounts.



    The system will ask you to confirm the sign action:



    2.       Click on Yes to confirm the signature or on No to return to the Accounts.


    On success, Annexes I, II and III are signed and your account name and signing date is logged in the system. The status of the Accounts version is not changed.


    Sign Annex IV of the Accounts (ISF)


    Only the user with the role of MS Audit Authority Update can sign Annex IV.



    At the highest Member State Node, the Accounts version is in status 'Open' or 'Sent'.

    At a lower Member State Node, the Accounts version is in status 'Open', 'Ready to send' or 'Sent'.

    The signature is required before the Accounts can be sent to the Commission.

    The Annexes I, II and III are already signed.


    1.       Click on the Sign Annex IV link to sign the Accounts.



    The system will ask you to confirm the sign action:



    2.       Click on Yes to confirm the signature or on No to return to the Accounts.


    Validate the Accounts (ISF)



    The Accounts for ISF can be validated only if its status is 'Open'.

    It is a must to have the role of MS Responsible Authority.


    1.       Click on the Validate link to validate the Accounts for ISF.




    An Error will block you from sending the Accounts ISF. The error(s) should be resolved and the Accounts must be revalidated. Note that a Warning does not block you from sending the Accounts.


    The system validates the following information:



    Validation Rule



    The system validates the integrity of the input fields



    Validate that at least one Official in Charge of the Member State exists



    Validate that the CCI code matches the following regular expression (implicit in web): (……65….…)



    Validate that the Programme is already adopted.



    Validate that the Financial Year of the Accounts is within the Start and End Date of Eligibility of the Programme Version linked to this Accounts version.



    Validate that all integral documents have at least one attachment with a length > 0



    Validate that Basic Projects (A1) are linked to a National Objective (excluding Operating Support (SO3.ISF), Technical assistance (SO5.AMIF, SO4.ISF, SO7.ISF) and Special Transit Scheme (SO8.ISF)) or to a Specific action and covered in the linked Programme version (implicit in web)



    Validate that Special Cases Pledging Union Priorities Projects (A2) are linked to a Resettlement Union Priority and covered in the linked Programme version (implicit in web).



    Validate that Special Cases Pledging Other Projects (A2) are linked to the Resettlement 'Other persons not included in the Common Union priorities and not part of the defined vulnerable groups' and covered in the linked Programme version in or before the Financial Year (implicit in web).



    Validate that Operating Support Projects (ISF) (A2) are linked to National Objectives SO3.NO1 Operating support for VISA or to SO3.NO2 Operating support for borders and covered in the linked Programme version (implicit in web).



    Validate that Special Transit Scheme Projects (ISF) (A3) are only created for LT Programmes (implicit in web)



    Validate that the Accounts version contains all Projects without Final Payment created in previous Accounts versions independent from the Financial year and for  AMIF, all Special Cases Projects (RP, RO, ST, AD) for which the pledging period is still active (In 2015, the 2014 Projects, in 2017, the 2016 Projects and in 2019 and in 2020, the 2018 Projects).



    Validate that Inventory records only exist under ISF Programmes (implicit in web)



    Validate that if the ISF project final payments includes equipment with a total value > €10.000, that it is defined in the Inventory.



    Validate that if the ISF project final payments includes infrastructure with a total value > €100.000, that it is defined in the Inventory.



    Validate that an audit opinion on the annual accounts (IV.A) exists.



    Validate that an audit opinion on the functioning of the management and control systems (IV.B) exists.



    Validate that the validation of the management declaration of the responsible authority (IV.C) exists.



    Validate that the current date is before the 1st of March Financial Year + 1



    Validate that when "% of Fund's co-financing" is > 75% that "Justification for >75% co-financing" is not empty (A1. Projects)



    Validate that Annex I, II and III are signed by a Responsible Authority user:

    -          when on highest Member State node (error)

    -          when on a lower Member State node (warning)




    Validate that Annex IV is signed by an Audit Authority user:

    -          when on highest Member State node (error)

    -          when on a lower Member State node (warning)




    Validate in Annex IV.C when "Puts in doubt …" is selected that there is at least one aspect defined.



    Validate that the Year in the Project References is smaller or equal to the Financial Year.



    Validate in the AMIF Pledging that the absolute Number of adult females is <= the absolute Number of adults.



    Validate in the AMIF Pledging that the absolute Number of unaccompanied minors is <= the absolute Number of minors.



    Validate in AMIF Pledging that the Country of asylum is different from the Country of origin.



    Validate in AMIF Pledging that the Country of origin is not an EU Member State (implicit in web)



    Validate in AMIIF Pledging (RP and RO) that the Country of asylum is not an EU Member State (implicit in web)



    Validate in AMIF Pledging (RP) for the Resettlement Union Priority 2 (= Unaccompanied minors), the Number of adults and the Number of adult females is empty or 0.



    Validate in AMIF Pledging (RP) for the Resettlement Union Priority 1 (= Women and children at risk), the Number of adults = the Number of adult females



    Validate in Section B that the "Amount of Union contribution to be recovered" for a Project is <= "Cumulated Union contribution paid since the start of the project".



    Validate in Section D Account Declaration where a Member State financial correction is applied, that there is a justification.



    Validate in Section B for ISF Police that the total "Amount of the cumulative total Union contribution paid to this project for the maintenance of Union or national IT systems" over the projects and since the start of the projects is smaller than 8% of the total EU contribution to this National Programme. When > 8% (error). When between 6% and 8%.



    Validate in Section B for ISF Police for Projects in relation to or in third-countries that the total "Cumulated Union contribution paid since the start of the project" over these projects is smaller than 8%. When > 8% (error). When between 6% and 8% (warning).



    Validate that in the Management Declaration (II), the Name of the officer and its Title are not empty.



    Validate that in I.C Start Date <= End Date <= Final Report



    Validate for Relocation (R1, R2 and MS) and Transfer Pledges (ST) that the 'From' column is different from the 'TO' column.



    Validate for Relocation (R1, R2 and MS) and Transfer Pledges (ST) that either the 'From' or the 'To' column is the country of the Programme.



    Validate for Relocation Pledges (R1, R2 and MS) that the 'From' contains a "From" Country from the Relocation Quota for the specific Relocation Type and the "To" contains a "To" Country from the Relocation Quota for the specific Relocation Type.



    Validate when Resettlement Quota exist for the Programme Country and for the Pledging Period of the Accounts version, that the total number of applicants for Resettlement Priorities (Resettlement is Priority = true) over all Accounts versions covering the Quota Period are identical.



    Validate for Transfer Pledges (ST) that the "From" is a Member State different from the Programme Country and the "To" is the country of the Programme.



    Validate when Relocation Quota exist for the Programme Country either as "To" or "From" Country and for the Pledging Period of the Accounts version, that the total number of applicants for the specific relocation Type over all Accounts versions covering the Quota Period are identical.



    Validate that Transfer and Relocation types used in Transfer and relocation Pledges exist in the linked Programme version.



    Validate that the Accounts are linked to the last adopted Programme version.



    Validate that the following PR Project attributes are not null: 'Project summary', 'Project Duration', 'Estimated total EU contribution', 'Beneficiary official name', 'Beneficiary short name', 'Type of beneficiary', 'Reference to selection procedure', 'Type of procedure' and '% of Fund's co-financing'.



    Validate that a Payment is not Final and Interim at the same time.



    Validate that Basic Project Amf/Isf is Pnr Project can only be true when ISF PR Project under SO5.



    Validate that Basic Project Amf/Isf is Interoperability Project can only be true when ISF PR Project under SO5.



    Validate that Basic Project Amf/Isf is Regional Project can only be true when AMIF PR Project under SO2.



    Validate that Basic Project Amf/Isf enhances Effectiveness can only be true when AMIF PR Project under SO3.



    Validate that the Accounts version does not contain PR, OV, OB or TS Projects created in previous Accounts versions with Final Payment.



    Validate that the Accounts version does not contain AMIF Special Cases Projects (RP, RO, ST, AD) for which the pledging period is past.



    Validate on PR Projects that nvl (Keyword 1,1) <> nvl (Keyword 2,2) <> nvl (Keyword 3,3).



    Validate on PR Projects that at least 1 Keyword is selected.



    Validate when ISF PR Project under SO5, that Basic Project AMIF/ISF is PNR Project is not null.



    Validate when ISF PR Project under SO5, that Basic Project AMIF/ISF is Interoperability Project is not null.



    Validate on PR Projects that the Keyword / Specific Objective combination exists in Project Key word Specific Objective.



    After all errors have been resolved the status of the Accounts ISF becomes Ready To Send.


    An example of a validation window:



    Send the Accounts (ISF)



    The Accounts can only be sent once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is 'Ready To Send' or 'Sent'.

    It is a must to have the privilege to send the Accounts, the user has the role MS Responsible Authority Send.

    On the highest Member State Node, there is a signature for Annexes I, II and III by the Responsible Authority and a signature for Annex IV by the Audit Authority.

    The "4 eye principle" must be respected. Therefore, the user sending must be different from the user who last validated.

    The Sending of information by a Member State to the Commission should be electronically signed in accordance with Directive 1999/93/EC. Sending of the different objects is generating a snapshot document and after the sending an acknowledge document is generated by the European Commission.


    1.       Click on the Send link to send the Accounts to the Commission or to an upper Node.



    The system will ask you to confirm the send action:



    2.       Click on Yes to confirm or click on No to return to the Accounts ISF.

    3.       The Sending of information by a Member State to the Commission should be electronically signed in accordance with Directive 1999/93/EC.


    Sending of the different objects is generating a snapshot document and after the sending an acknowledge document is generated by the European Commission.

    This acknowledge document is signed but the Member State was not signing the snapshot document. The EU Login now provides a functionality of signing without forcing the user to have a certificate. The action to sign will only be triggered when sending to the European Commission:



    (1) Enter your SFC2014 Password

    (2) Click on the 'Sign' button


    The status of the Accounts is set to Sent.



    When modifying one of the items of Annexes I, II or III, or when linking to another Programme version, the signature of the signers and the signing dates for Annexes I, II, III and IV will be removed and a new sign action by the Responsible Authority for Annexes I, II and III and one by the Audit Authority for Annex IV will have to be performed before sending to the Commission is allowed.

    When modifying one of the items of Annex IV, the signature of the signer and the signing date for Annex IV will be removed and a new sign action by the Audit Authority will have to be performed before sending to the Commission is allowed.


    Delete the Accounts (ISF)



    The Accounts cannot be completely deleted anymore, so the permissions on the delete action were removed and the link ‘Delete’ will not appear among your options.

    In case you want to delete the whole Accounts, you have to ask your desk officer who will analyse case by case and the support team will temporarily grant the delete action to you.

    It is a must that your desk officer has analysed your case and you have a positive confirmation to delete the Accounts, then you have the role of MS Responsible Authority Update. The ‘Delete’ link will be temporarily enabled for you.

    The Accounts can only be deleted when the status is Open, Ready to send or Returned for modification by MS, and has never been sent to the Commission before and has no sent documents attached.

    The delete is a physical delete from the system.


    1.       Click on the Delete link to remove the Accounts from the system.



    The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:



    2.       Click on Yes to confirm or click on No to return to the Accounts ISF.


    Create a New Version of the Accounts (ISF)



    It is a must to have the privilege to create a new version of the Accounts, the user has the role of MS Responsible Authority.

    A New Version of the Accounts can only be created when the last version has the status 'Returned for Modification by EC' or 'Closed'.


    1.       Click on the Create New Version link to create a new version of the Accounts.



    The system will ask you to confirm the creation of a new version:



    2.       Click on Yes to confirm. Click on No to return to the Accounts ISF.


    On success, a new version of the Accounts has been created as a copy of the previous version and the working version number is incremented by one. Its status is set to Open.


    Additional Functionality

    Early Warning Notification


    An early warning notification job will run on 20, 26, 27, 28, (29) of February and 1-5 March. It will select all adopted National Programmes for which no Accounts for Financial Years smaller than the current year have been sent to the Commission.


    For these National Programmes, an email notification will be sent to the MS Officials in Charge of the National Programme and to the subscribers of this Event Type. The notification will say:


    "The Annual Accounts [YYYY] for National Programme [CCI] have not yet been sent to the Commission. Please submit these Annual Accounts as soon as possible."