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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by joffrso on 23 May 2022

SFC2014: Upcoming deadline & new role for Continued compliance with the accreditation criteria (EAFRD)

Member States are reminded to proceed with the submission of the report on the Paying Agency’s supervision and the monitoring of their activities, as per Article 2(1), second paragraph of Regulation (EU) No 908/2014 by 30 June 2022 covering a period of 3 financial years from 2019 to 2021 via the Audit – Audit communications menu in SFC2014.

Furthermore, Member States are kindly requested to provide this report in a pdf format and also in a word format to facilitate its translation, where applicable.

In this respect and at the request of the Member States during the Expert Group Meeting on 17.11.2021, a new role for the Competent Authorities was created in SFC2014 which will allow them to submit the reports in SFC2014.

In order to be granted access rights for the Competent Authority role in SFC2014,  Member States should contact their Member State Liaision (MSL) Officer who is responsible for authorising access to SFC2014.

  • If you do not know who your Liaison Officer is, you can contact the SFC2014 Support Team ( requesting the email address of your Liaison and mentioning the Country and Fund(s) for which you require access.
  • When requesting access to your MSL you will need to have created an EU Login account. The European Commission Authentication System (EU Login) is the service allowing users to access most of the digital systems developed or used by the European Institutions.
  • To create an EU Login account you can follow the instructions in our step-by-step video tutorial on Creating an EU Login account. Your MSL will ask you for your Unique identifier at the Commission (uid) once your EU Login account has been created. You can find this information by following step 4 of this video tutorial.

Finally, once your access has been granted, you will receive an email confirming your account details. You can then connect to SFC2014 via using your EU Login Username and Password.

If you require further support a number of different Help resources are available in the SFC2014 Portal. If you cannot find the information you require here, do not hesitate to contact the SFC2014 Support Team at