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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by joffrso on 17 May 2020

IMPORTANT INFO: IR deadline and submission date change

Due to the exceptional circumstances caused by COVID19, the submission of the Implementation report will be blocked until the 15th of May. The deadline for submission has been prolonged until the end of September.

REMARK: For ENI CBC we are actively using a workaround, having our colleagues from the implementing unit request (on a case by case basis) a temporarily lift of this block. 
We would like to reassure the Managing Authorities of ENI CBC that their annual report processes can still be sent to the Commission after revision (via this existing workaround). Please contact the desk officer responsible from your programme first and afterwards contact the support team with his/her approval to send the AIR. 


ERDFEuropean Regional Development FundFEDERFonds EU de développement régionalEFREEuropäischer Fonds für regionale EntwicklungREGIO
CFCohesion FundFCFonds de cohésion KFKohäsionsfondsREGIO
ENI*European Neighbourhood InstrumentIEV*Instrument Européen de VoisinageENPI*Europäische Nachbarschaftsinstrument REGIO
IPA(e)*Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - regional and territorial cooperation componentIAP(e)*Instrument d'aide de pré-adhésionIPA(e)*Instrument für HeranführungshilfeREGIO
EGFEuropean Globalisation Adjustment FundFEMFonds européen d’ajustement à la mondialisationsEGFEuropäischer Fonds für die Anpassung an die Globalisierung EMPL
ESFEuropean Social FundFSEFonds social européenESFEuropäischer SozialfondsEMPL
YEIYouth Employment InitiativeIEJInitiative pour l’emploi des jeunesYEIJugendbeschäftigungsinitiativeEMPL
FEADFund for European Aid to most DeprivedFEADFonds européen d’aide aux plus démunisFEADEuropäischen Hilfsfonds für die am stärksten benachteiligten PersonenEMPL
EMFF European Maritime and Fisheries FundFEMPFonds EU pour les affaires maritimes et la pêcheEMFFEuropäischer Meeres- und FischereifondsMARE 