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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by gasbast on 19 April 2021

19/04/2021: SFC2014 NEW RELEASE 4.4.2 - 17h00 to 18h30 CET

The following items are included in this new release:


Rural development programme (EAFRD)
•    RDP EAFRD (13082) – The specific validation rules below were added for the EURI funds:

  • EAFRD_RDRP_160    Validate that the 'Total 2014-2022' per each type of region filled in section 10.1 (59(3)(a), 59(3)(b), 59(3)(c), 59(3)(d)) is equal to the sum 'Total Union contribution planned' of all measures per each type of region filled in section 10.3
  • EAFRD_RDRP_161    Validate that the 'Total 2014-2022' for EURI filled in section 10.1 is equal to the sum 'Total Union contribution planned' of all EURI measures under all types of regions filled in section 10.3
  • EAFRD_RDRP_162    Validate that technical assistance (M20-EAFRD) is equal or lower than 4% (5% for Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden) of Total EAFRD contribution
  • EAFRD_RDRP_164    Validate that technical assistance (M20-EURI) is equal or lower than 4% (5% for Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden) of Total EURI contribution
  • EAFRD_RDRP_166    Validate that at least 5% (2.5% for Croatia and also other 5 RDP exceptions) of Total 2014-2022 EAFRD contribution except transfers from first pillar in 2021 and 2022 is reserved for Leader (M19)
  • EAFRD_RDRP_168    Validate that 'Overall share of EAFRD contribution to Art 59(6)' should be equal or higher to the 'Overall share of EAFRD contribution to Art 59(6)' of the previously approved RDP version
  • EAFRD_RDRP_169    Validate that at least 37% of the total EURI contribution to the rural development programme is reserved for measures under the following Articles: Article 17 for environment and climate related investments; Articles 21, 28, 29 and 30, with the exception of Water Framework Directive related payments; and Articles 31, 32 and 34, (= Article 59(6)); Article 33 and Article 59(5).

Defects fixed:

Rural development programme (EAFRD)
•    RDP EAFRD (13155) – The Validation rule 166 (5% LEADER) was triggered to National Programme when it shouldn’t. This has now been fixed.

Quarterly declaration of expenditure (IPA-RD)
•    DOE IPARD (13157) – If the Declaration of expenditures was equal or before 2021Q1, the fields were empty.  It was due to the fact that there was no rows for 2021 (and onwards) in the related adopted financial plan. This has now been fixed.