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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by korycwo on 3 February 2016

03/02/2016: Submission of the documents required under Art. 48 of Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 for FEAD programmes

We are pleased to inform you about the availability of two new components in the SFC2014 system related to the submission of the documents required under Article 48 of Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 (FEAD Regulation) specifically:

  • Accounts (under Execution menu), consisting of accounts,  management declaration, annual summary, and audit opinion for a specific programme;
  • Annual Control Report (under Audit menu) for one or more programmes.

As established by Article 48 of the FEAD Regulation, "for each year from 2016 until and including 2025, Member States shall submit, by the deadline set out in Article 59(5) of the Financial Regulation, the documents referred to in that Article namely:

  1. the accounts, referred to in Article 49(1) of the FEAD Regulation, for the preceding accounting year;
  2. the management declaration and the annual summary referred to in point (e) of Article 32(4) of the FEAD Regulation, for the preceding accounting year;
  3. the audit opinion and the control report referred to in points (a) and (b) of Article 34(5) of the FEAD Regulation, for the preceding accounting year.

As regards to the first accounting year that ended on 30 June 2015, the last day for submission of these documents to the Commission is 15/02/2016.

For the first accounting year, the accounts are not to be required for any of the programmes, and the corresponding section will be empty in the Accounts module. However, all the other documents above-mentioned have to be submitted by the Member State via SFC2014, except where the notification of the designation of the Managing Authority has not yet been submitted to the Commission (under Article 35(1) of the FEAD Regulation) by 15/02/2016, in which case no management declaration and no annual summary are required.

 The Commission services wish to draw your attention that if the deadline of 15 February is not complied with, the Commission may interrupt the deadline for interim payments under Article 46 (1.c) of the FEAD Regulation.

For more information about the new modules, please see the corresponding Quick Guides on the SFC Support Portal:

Please note that the entry and submission of data in Accounts module requires at least three different users representing each authority involved (i.e. Certifying Authority, Managing Authority, and Audit Authority). The users must have appropriate access roles and permissions on the "node" the corresponding programme has

been created. (For more information about "nodes" see

 Your Member State Liaison contact(s) should be able to help you with any access related issues. If you do not know who your Liaison Officer is, you can contact the SFC2014 Support Team (see details below) requesting the email address of your Liaison, and mentioning the Country and Fund(s) and/or Operating Programmes for which you require access.

 For any technical questions please refer to the SFC Support Portal: or contact us at or
